
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - George and Mildred
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Which actor played George's builder friend Jerry ?


Roy Kinnear
Norman Eshley
Nicholas Bond Owen
Brian Murphy

George & Mildred was written and created by


Laurence Marks & Maurice Gran
Ian La Frenais & Dick Clement
Johnnie Mortimer Brian Cooke
Talbot Rothwell Sid Colin

George & Mildred was a spin off sitcom from which other popular sitcom ?


On The Buses
Rising Damp
Man About The House
Robins Nest

Which actor played the unemployed and lazy George Roper ?


Simon Lloyd
Roy Kinnear
Brian Murphy
Norman Eshley

George and Mildred was originally broadcast in the UK between which years ?



Prior to the launch of the George & Mildred film, which cast member suddenly died due to alcoholism


Yootha Joyce
Norman Eshley
Roy Kinnear
Brian Murphy

George & Mildred lived at 46 Peacock Crescent in which exclusive part of London ?


Dulwich Village
Thames Ditton
Hampton Wick

Which actor played the next door neighbour Jeffrey Fourmile in George & Mildred ?


Brian Murphy
Norman Eshley
Nicholas Bond Owen
Roy Kinnear

Over the five series of George and Mildred how many episodes were filmed ?



Which actor palyed the housewife determined to better herself, the long suffering Mildred Roper ?


Gretchen Franklin
Sheila Fearn
Avril Elgar
Yootha Joyce

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012